TASME 2014
The 18th Annual Conference and
PGCRL, SickKids
686 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada
July 5, 2014
8:00 am - 5:30 pm
2014 Technological Advances in Science, Medicine
and Engineering Conference
TASME 2014 Organizing Chairs
Dr Nades Palaniyar,
SickKids/University of Toronto, Canada
Dr Bala
Maheswaran, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
TASME 2014 Program
Saturday, July 5, 2014, 8:00 am- 5:30 pm
Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning
686 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Conference
Toronto ON, M5G 0A4
8:00– 8:30 am: Registration, Continental Breakfast and Networking
(2nd Floor Conference Room 2a)
Session 1 (8:30-10:05 am)
- Prof. Sam Thiagalingam, PhD.,
Boston University School of Medicine, USA
- Prof. Shyamala Maheswaran, PhD.,
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard University, USA
8:30 – 8:35 am: Welcome by Nades Palaniyar, PhD, SickKids/University
of Toronto, Canada
8:35 – 9:00 am: “Circulating Tumour Cells in Drug Screens” Shyamala Maheswaran, PhD., Massachusetts General
Hospital/Harvard University, USA
9:00 – 9:25 am: “Systems Biology of Breast Cancer” Sam
Thiagalingam, PhD., Boston University School of
Medicine, USA.
9:25 – 9:45 am: “Examining Ovarian Cancer
Heterogeneity From A Functional Perspective Using Oncolytic Viruses” Milani Sivapragasam, Western University and MD/PhD
Candidate, McGill University, Canada
9:45 – 10:05 am: “Identifying
Novel Regulators of Alternative Splicing” Dushyandi Rajendran,
HBSc., MSc Student, University of Toronto, ON, Canada
10:05 – 10:20 am: Refreshment (Gallery), Health Break and Poster
Session 2 (10:20 am - 12:20
- Prof. Nades Palaniyar, PhD., SickKids/University
of Toronto, Canada
- Prof. Cheran Rudhramoorthy, PhD, University of Windsor, Canada
10:20 – 10:45 am: “Spatio-temporal
aspects of cell signaling: Importance of carbohydrates, intrinsically
disordered proteins and membrane”,
Gnana Gnanakaran, PhD., New Mexico Consortium & Los Alamos National Labs, New
Mexico, USA
10:45-11:05 am: “Identifying
Pathways of NETosis by Transcriptomics”,
Meraj Khan,
MSc., PhD., SickKids, Toronto, Canada
11:05 am – 11: 30 am: “Biomarker Approaches in Assessment of Environmental
Pollutant Exposure-Mediated Toxicity Mechanisms”, Prem Kumarathasan, PhD, HECSB,
Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada
11:30 – 11:55 am: “Toxicology of Air Pollutants” Renaud Vincent, PhD, HESCB, Health
Canada, Ottawa, Canada
11:55 – 12:20 pm: “Cystic Fibrosis: A T cell
disorder?” Rahul Kushwah, PhD., Stem Cell and Cancer
Research Institute, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
12:20 – 1:20 pm: Networking and Lunch (Gallery)
12:50 – 1:20 pm: Career
Advice/Mentoring– Q & A with panel, and plans for TASME 2015
- Prof. Nades
Palaniyar, MSc., PhD, SickKids/University of Toronto,
- Prof. Sam Thiagalingam, PhD.,
Boston University School of Medicine, USA
- Shyamala
Maheswaran, PhD,
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard University, MA, USA
- Rahul
Kushwah, PhD., Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute, McMaster
University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
- Gnana
Gnanakaran, PhD., New Mexico Consortium & Los Alamos National Labs, New
Mexico, USA
- Renaud Vincent, PhD, HESCB, Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada
- T
Yoganathan, PhD, Vancouver,
- Arunthathi
Thiagalingam, PhD., Ipsen, Lexington, USA
- Balamurugan
Ambihavaran, BEng., Oldcastle Building Envelope,
Mississauga, Canada
- Anton Edmund,
PhD, Genzyme, Boston, USA
Session 3 (1:20-3:25 pm)
- Dr.
Anton Edmund, PhD, Genzyme, Boston, USA
- Prof.
Xavier Fernando, PhD, Ryerson University, Toronto,
1:20 – 1:45 pm: “Benefit of Personalized Medicine for the Healthcare” T Yoganathan, PhD, Vancouver,
1:45-2:10 pm: “Wireless
Communications in Aerospace Industry” Xavier Fernando, PhD, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
2:10 – 2:35 pm: “Developing Effective Educational Practices to Enhance
Student Engagement” Nirusha
Thavarajah, PhD., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
2:35 – 3:00 pm:
“Curtain wall wind load chart using trapezoidal
method” Balamurugan
Ambihavaran, BEng., Oldcastle Building
Envelope, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
3:00- 3:25 pm: “Social Force Based Motion Modeling
for Ground Targets” Krishanth Krishnan, MSc., McMaster
University, Ontario, Canada.
3:25 – 3:40 pm: Refreshment (Gallery), Health break and Poster
Session 4 (3:25 - 5:30 pm)
- Prof. Raj Rajakumar,
MBBS, PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Prof. Vishnu Suppiramaniam, DVM, PhD., Auburn
University, USA
3:25 – 3:50 pm: “Executive Function in Psychiatric Disorders” Prof. Raj
Rajakumar, MBBS, PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada
3:50 – 4:10 pm: “Propagation of α-synuclein pathology in
Parkinson’s disease” Chandrika
Senthilkumaran, PhD., University of Toronto, ON, Canada
4:10 – 4:30 pm: “Physical Activity,
Systematic Oxidation Stress, and High-Fructose Diet on the Sleep-MetS
Relationship” Thiru
Kanagasabai, MSc., PhD student, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4:30 – 4:50
pm: “Role of ventral prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex in the
expression of incubation of nicotine craving in adolescents and adults” Mylini Saposan, BSc., University of Toronto
Scarborough Campus, Ontario, Canada
4:50 – 5:15 pm: “Memory Reconsolidation:
Manipulating the “Second Avatar” ” Vishnu Suppiramaniam, DVM, PhD.,
Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University, USA
5:15-5:30 pm: “Summary, Thank you and Awards”, Bala
Maheswaran, PhD., Northeastern University, MA, USA.
5:30 – 6:00 pm: TASME Business meeting (Gallery)
6:00 – 8:00 pm: Networking Dinner (Optional)