TASME2023 Conference (PMS) Link

Conference Zoom Links:

Science Hall: https://calstatela.zoom.us/my/ganesan (Meeting ID: 323 343 2928)

Medicine Hall: https://utoronto.zoom.us/my/palaniyar (Meeting ID:753 184 7301)

Engineering Hall: https://carleton-ca.zoom.us/j/91285478306 (Meeting ID: 912 8547 8306)

General Hall: https://centralstate-edu.zoom.us/j/97521324607 (Meeting ID: 975 2132 4607)

TASME2023 Best Presentation Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/7VnKD22v4a6Pjm2o9

TASME2023: No Show papers Form: https://forms.gle/yD8RFBu8PidVc3Sa7

Venue: SickKids Hospital

The Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning(PGCRL)

686 Bay Street (corner of Bay/Elm), Toronto, ON M5G 0A4